Перевести текст Prince Willam is from the United Kingdom. Prince William is date of birth is 21st June, 1982. His full name is William Arthur Phillip Louis Windsor. His father is Prince Charles. His younger brother is Prince Harry. His grandmother is the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth! Prince Wiliam is hobbiet are playing football and swimming. He can paint, ski and ride motorbikes. He is a great athlete.

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Перевести текст Prince Willam is from the United Kingdom. Prince William is date of birth is 21st June, 1982. His full name is William Arthur Phillip Louis Windsor. His father is Prince Charles. His younger brother is Prince Harry. His grandmother is the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth! Prince Wiliam is hobbiet are playing football and swimming. He can paint, ski and ride motorbikes. He is a great athlete.

Илюха отвечает:

Принц Уильям из Великобритании. Принц Уильям родился 21 июня 1982 года. Его полное имя  – Уильям Артур Филип Луи Виндзор. Его отец – принц Чарльз. Его млпдший брат – принц Гарри. Его бабушка – королева Англии Элизабет. Игра в футбол и плавание – хобби принца Уильяма. Он рисует, ходит на лыжах и ездиет на мотоциклах. Он великий атлет.

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