из косвенной – в прямую речь

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из косвенной – в прямую речь

Отвечает Илюха:

1. At the session of The Suprime Soviet on the 15 th of January. 1960 I.V.Kurchatov said:  ” I am happy to be born in Russia”. He srtessed “I have devoted all my life to nuclear physics. I am  sure that the Russian people will use the achievments of this science for the good of mankind only!” 

2. Roentgen declared “Radiation from a cathode- ray tube is able to penetrate thin matter like wood but is stopped by thicker objects such as pieces of metal and bones.” Three years later in 1898 Marie and Pierre Curie discovered: ” RADIUM SENDS OUT RAYS CONSISTING OF PARTICLES SMALLER THAN ATOM”   ДАЛЕЕ ПО ТЕКСТУ без изменений до. In 1905 Albert Einstein declared: “Matter can be convented into energy- very little matter into very great energy” At last Rutherford and Niels Bohr developped their revolutionary theory and declared…..

3. //// все по тексту

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