Make up sentences with Complex Object with the Infinitive   1.  speak , I , have , heard , of  his  boyhood , never , him . 2. about something I , quite different, me, you, want, to tell. 3. what, this, her, say, made? 4. without, her; let, my sister, go, a word.

Вопрос пользователя:

Make up sentences with Complex Object with the Infinitive


1.  speak have heard of  his  boyhood never him .

2. about something , quite different, me, you, want, to tell.

3. what, this, her, say, made?

4. without, her; let, my sister, go, a word.

Илюха отвечает:

I have never heard him speak of his boyhood.

I want you to tell me about something quite different.

What made her say this?

Let my sister go a word without her. 

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