Give it a name: -to feel pain; -to be cooked in hot oil or butter; -having f bad taste; -clear and certain; -in a definite; -to a definite way; -to sit on a horse or other animal and be carried along by it: -not hard; надо отгадать слова

Вопрос пользователя:

Give it a name:

-to feel pain;

-to be cooked in hot oil or butter;

-having f bad taste;

-clear and certain;

-in a definite;

-to a definite way;

-to sit on a horse or other animal and be carried along by it:

-not hard;

надо отгадать слова

Илюха отвечает:

-to feel pain (sick)
-to be cooked in hot oil or butter(roast)
-having f bad taste;
-clear and certain(goal)
-in a definite (form)
-to a definite way;
-to sit on a horse or other animal and be carried along by it(races)
-not hard(easy)

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