Срочно!!!!! Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных. small; young; thin; thick; tall; fine; new; straight; few; easy; busy; dirty. famous; beautiful; difficult; serious; comfortable; expensive; suitable; charming. good; much; bad; little; many.

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Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.

small; young; thin; thick; tall; fine; new; straight; few; easy; busy; dirty. famous; beautiful; difficult; serious; comfortable; expensive; suitable; charming. good; much; bad; little; many.

Илюха отвечает:

small- smaller – the smallest

 young-  younger-  the  youngest

thin- thinner- the thinnest

 thick-  thicker – the thickest

 tall- taller- the tallest

 fine- finer- the finest

 new- newer- the newest

 straight- straighter – the  straightest

 few- fewer- the fewest

 easy- easier- the easiest

 busy- busier- the busiest

 dirty- dirtier- the dirtiest

 famous- more  famous- the most   famous

 beautiful- more   beautiful – the most beautiful

 difficult-  more difficult – the most  difficult

 serious- more serious – the most serious

 comfortable-  more  comfortable – the most comfortable

 expensive- more  expensive – the most expensive

 suitable-  more suitable – the most suitable

 charming-  more charming- the most  charming

 good- better- the best

 much- more- the most

 bad- worse- the worst

 little- less- the least

 many- more- the most.

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