Согласиться или не согласиться с этими утверждениями. 1) I saw the film The Lord of the Rings last month. And you?(see)  2) He came home late yesterday. And you? (come) 3) They found a homeless dog. And you?  (find)  4) They went to Oxford last month. And you? (go)  5) He caught a big fish last summer. And you?  (catch)  6) She wrote a letter to her friend yesterday. And you? (write) 

Вопрос от посетителя

Согласиться или не согласиться с этими утверждениями.

1) I saw the film The Lord of the Rings last month. And you?(see) 

2) He came home late yesterday. And you? (come)

3) They found a homeless dog. And you?  (find) 

4) They went to Oxford last month. And you? (go) 

5) He caught a big fish last summer. And you?  (catch) 

6) She wrote a letter to her friend yesterday. And you? (write) 

Отвечает Илюха:

1) I saw the fiLm The Lord Of the Rings last month. And you? – And I didn’t seet he film The Lord of the Rings last month.

2) He came home late yesterday. And you?  – I came home late yesterday too.

3) They found a homeless dog. And you?  – I didn’t find a homeless dog.

4) They went to Oxford last month. And you? – I didn’t go to Oxford last month.

5) He caught a big fish last summer. And you?  – I caught a big fish last summer too.

6) She wrote a letter to her friend yesterday. And you? – I didn’t write a letter to my friend yesterday.

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