прочитай рассказ и вставь пропущенные слова. watches,cleans,washes,does,has. Ann gets up at 7 o,clock.Ann ______ her teeth and_____ her face and hands . Then she has breakfast.At two o,clock Ann ______ lunch.Then she _______ her homework .In the evening she plays tennis, _________ TV and reads books . She doesn,t play computer games. At half past eight Ann goes to bed.

Вопрос от посетителя

прочитай рассказ и вставь пропущенные слова. watches,cleans,washes,does,has. Ann gets up at 7 o,clock.Ann ______ her teeth and_____ her face and hands . Then she has breakfast.At two o,clock Ann ______ lunch.Then she _______ her homework .In the evening she plays tennis, _________ TV and reads books . She doesn,t play computer games. At half past eight Ann goes to bed.

Отвечает Илюха:

1. cleans; 2. washes; 3. has; 4. does; 5. watches

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