помогите составить диалог что-то на подобе этого на английском только маленький…. -Hello. What is the matter? -I dont feel well. I ve hurt my leg and i ve broken my arm. -Show me . Where? – Oh , doctor. Dont touch it , please -Yes , mmm, you leg is OK but i am afraid you ve break your arm. You should have an X-ray first. -Thank you, doctor.

Вопрос пользователя:

помогите составить диалог что-то на подобе этого на английском только маленький…. -Hello. What is the matter? -I dont feel well. I ve hurt my leg and i ve broken my arm. -Show me . Where? – Oh , doctor. Dont touch it , please -Yes , mmm, you leg is OK but i am afraid you ve break your arm. You should have an X-ray first. -Thank you, doctor.

Илюха отвечает:

-Hello. What has happened? – I’ve got a bit of a cough and terrible headache. -Well, show me your throat and let me take your temperature. mmm,your temperature is quite high. -So,what can it be? Is it serious? -I think you have got a cold. Everything will be alright. You should drink plenty of water or orange juice. -Right. -And also you have got to take two tablets three times a day. -Thanks a lot,goodbye

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