Переделать предложения, чтобы они были в страдательном залоге. 1) We visted our bestfriends in their play yesterday. 2) Our family has reserved the Christmas greeting from our relations. 3) My granny has just cooked the apple cake. 6) Tom Brown will by a new Ford next week.

Вопрос от посетителя

Переделать предложения, чтобы они были в страдательном залоге.

1) We visted our bestfriends in their play yesterday.

2) Our family has reserved the Christmas greeting from our relations.

3) My granny has just cooked the apple cake.

6) Tom Brown will by a new Ford next week.

Отвечает Илюха:

1) Our best friends were visited in their play yesterday.

2) The Christmas greeting from our relations has been reserved (by our family).

3) The apple cake has been cooked (by my granny).

6) A new Ford will be bought (by Tom Brown) next week.

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