Перевидите плизик на русский There are lot of intresting places in Great Britain? which are worth visiting. One of the most famous and mysterious archaeological sites of Great Britain in Stonehenge. The huge stones of Stonehenge were transported from Wales and set up in a circle on Salisbury Plain. One of the mysteries in hjw it was ever built with the technjljgy of that time. Another is its purpose. It appears yo function as a kind of astronomical clk and we know it was used by the Druids for ceremonis marking the passing of the seasons/ Nowadays every year thjusands of young people go to Stonehenge to take part in the midsummer Druids festival, dut only a small numder of people are allowed near the circle of sttones. Stonehenge in fenced off to protect in from damage.

Вопрос от посетителя:

Перевидите плизик на русский There are lot of intresting places in Great Britain? which are worth visiting. One of the most famous and mysterious archaeological sites of Great Britain in Stonehenge. The huge stones of Stonehenge were transported from Wales and set up in a circle on Salisbury Plain. One of the mysteries in hjw it was ever built with the technjljgy of that time. Another is its purpose. It appears yo function as a kind of astronomical clk and we know it was used by the Druids for ceremonis marking the passing of the seasons/ Nowadays every year thjusands of young people go to Stonehenge to take part in the midsummer Druids festival, dut only a small numder of people are allowed near the circle of sttones. Stonehenge in fenced off to protect in from damage.

Илюха отвечает:

Есть много интересных мест в Великобритании, которые стоит посетить. Один из самых известных и таинственных археологических памятников Стоунхендж в Великобритании.Огромные камни Стоунхенджа были доставлены из Уэльса и поставленны в круг на равнине Солсбери. Одна из загадок в HJW того времени. Другая его цель. Мы знаем, она была использована друидами для церемониймаркировки прохождение сезоны.В настоящее время каждый год молодые люди идут в Стоунхендж, чтобы принять участие в середине лета в фкстивале Друиды ,было только небольшое кол-во людей рядом с кругом.Стоунхендж в огорожен, чтобы защитить от повреждений.

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