Перевести на русский: Jane and Jim are at their granny’s place in the country. They like to do their morning exercises in the yard. The pigs run around the yard too. The pigs jump over the log too. How funny they are.

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Перевести на русский: Jane and Jim are at their granny’s place in the country. They like to do their morning exercises in the yard. The pigs run around the yard too. The pigs jump over the log too. How funny they are.

Отвечает Илюха:

Джейн и Джим сейчас у бабушки в деревне.Они любят делать зарядку по-утрам.Свиньи тоже бегают вокруг двора.Свиньи тоже прыгают через бревно.Как же им весело!

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