Ответить на вопросы 1when is Navruz?2Where do people go at Navruz? 3What do children do at Navruz?4What do your family do at Navruz? вставить слова Navruz is the Asian New …. is the… good on this day? My parents and i like this… We are…at Navruz. СЛОВА WEATHER Year Happy week holiday(СПАСИБО ОГРОМНОЕ)

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Ответить на вопросы 1when is Navruz?2Where do people go at Navruz? 3What do children do at Navruz?4What do your family do at Navruz? вставить слова Navruz is the Asian New …. is the… good on this day? My parents and i like this… We are…at Navruz. СЛОВА WEATHER Year Happy week holiday(СПАСИБО ОГРОМНОЕ)

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1. Navruz Is celebrated In 21 march

4 our familycompletely clean  house, cook holiday diner and call on our friends and relatives.

Остальные не знаю


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