Нужны задачки про спорт на английском.

Вопрос от посетителя

Нужны задачки про спорт на английском.

Отвечает Илюха:

1.The first footbal team scored 18 goals in the match, the second team scored 21 goal. How many fewer goals did the first team scored than the second?

2. One runner had 12 trainings, twice as many as anothe runner. How many trainings altogether did the runners have?

3. 7 bicyclists make up 1/5 of the total number of bicyclists taking part in the race. Yow many bicyclists are there altogether?

4. A horseman, taking part in the race, is riding at a speed 16 kilometres an hour. How long would it take him to cover 25 rilometres?

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