нужно составить диалог (14 реплик) на тему : звонок в службу спасения с просьбой о помощи 

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нужно составить диалог (14 реплик) на тему : звонок в службу спасения с просьбой о помощи 

Отвечает Илюха:

-Emegrency service is here. Which service do you need?

-The fire service, please.

-Hold on the line. I’m putting you through.

– Ok…

-Fire Service. What’s happened?

-My house is on fire.

-Is anyone hurt?


-All Right.  Please, tell me your address.

– 5,Wiliam Street.

-Now take your documents and money and leave the house.

-Ok, I’ll do that.

-Can I have your full name and the telephone number?

– Sure. I’m Ann Smith. My telephone number is 2 55 66 77.

-Meet the fire brigade…

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