Напишите три формы глаголов Ring clean take go come wash make drive get Сделайте предложения вопросительными и отрицательными 1)John woke up at a quarter to seven 2)She went to the library yesterday 3)He began work at nine sharp 4)He was in France last year

Вопрос пользователя:

Напишите три формы глаголов Ring clean take go come wash make drive get Сделайте предложения вопросительными и отрицательными 1)John woke up at a quarter to seven 2)She went to the library yesterday 3)He began work at nine sharp 4)He was in France last year

Илюха отвечает:








1)John wasn*t waking up at a quarter to seven.

Was John waking up at a quarter to seven?

2)She didn*t go to the library yesterday.

did she go to the library yesterday?

3)He wasn*t begining work at nine sharp  .

Was he begining work at nine sharp?

4)He didn*t be in France last year.

Did he be in France las year?


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