заповни пропуски словами always.usually.never.sometimes. I make my bed in the morning. i cook breakfast. i have cereal for breakfast. i drink tea in the morning. i help Mum in the kitchen.. i go to bed at 10 o clock.

Вопрос от посетителя

заповни пропуски словами always.usually.never.sometimes. I make my bed in the morning. i cook breakfast. i have cereal for breakfast. i drink tea in the morning. i help Mum in the kitchen.. i go to bed at 10 o clock.

Отвечает Илюха:

i always make my bed in the morning/

i cook breakfast sometimes.

i usually have cereal for breakfast.

i never (always, usually, sometimes) drink tea in the morning.

i always help my mum in the kitchen.

i  never ( always, ussually, sometimes) go to bed at 10 o’clock

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