ДАйте рассказ 10 предложений чтоб они были все в Past Simple-Прошедшое време и чтоб 1 предложение было Last weekend … got up late, too

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ДАйте рассказ 10 предложений чтоб они были все в Past Simple-Прошедшое време и чтоб 1 предложение было Last weekend … got up late, too

Илюха отвечает:


Last weekend  was different .He woke up at 7 o*clock,so he didn*t go jogging.He took a long bath and ate breakfast.Then he went shopping and cooking lunch at home.In the afternoon he didn*t ride a bicycle because it was too hot.He played computer games.He didn*t eat a big dinner and  he went jogging in the evening.He walked back home because  he was  tired and he went to bed early.

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