В каждом предложении есть одна грамматическая ошибка (времена глагола). Найдите ее и исправьте. 1. He have a diploma of an account. 2. We are not like the terms of the contract. 3. I am at the exhibition yesterday. 4. We did not received your payment yet. 5. How do you send the letter tomorrow?

Вопрос пользователя:

В каждом предложении есть одна грамматическая ошибка (времена глагола). Найдите ее и исправьте. 1. He have a diploma of an account. 2. We are not like the terms of the contract. 3. I am at the exhibition yesterday. 4. We did not received your payment yet. 5. How do you send the letter tomorrow?

Илюха отвечает:

1.He has a diploma of an account

2.We don’t like the terms of the contract.

3. I was at the exhibition yesterday.

4 We have not received your payment yet.

5. How will you send the letter tomorrow?


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