перевод прямой речи в косвенную my mum asked me:”Will you go to the cinema tomorrov?” dad said to his son:”Had you done your homework by 6 o`clock?” tom asked me:”Did you buy the tickets yesterday?” ann said to nelly:”Will you go to my birhday party tomorry?” mr.green asked his neighbour:”what did you grow last summer?” 

1) Where do they sell meat?———————— What can you buy at the chemist,s ?——————————- What do they sell at the newsagent,s?—————————— 2) I need some copybooks.—————–I buy them? They sell copy books at the Newsagent,s. —————————-? Go along Lake Street. It is on the rignt on the corner of Lake and Green Street. ———————–. 3) My father sold his old car yesterday at the car market. (?)—————————————————— (-)—————————————————– What—————————- Where————————— When—————————–

помогите пожалуйста.нужно закончить предложения и перевести на русский.1)………because I want to speak english well.2)…………….because Hobbit has a sweet tooth.3)…………….because he shares the room with his litlle brother……………..4)………………because it will be cold and rainy tomorrow…………….5)……………..because Ann likes cooking.6)…………….because they had warm mittens on.

Привет всем, воопще я учусь хорошо… Но вот с этим заданием по аглийскому у меня возникли затруднения. The children are preparing for future trips. Match the things they are duing now with the which they have planned to do. Здесь я так понимаю, нужно соединить предложения. Вот эти предложения. A) Laura is buying a tiket to Cardiff*.  B) Ray is tekephonig the Holiday Inn .  C)Nelly is asking about interesting places in Scotland.  D) Sam and his parents are buying food and drinks. E) Christine is asking her mother to meet her on Friday.   И вот эти предложения нужно соединить с этими:    a) She is coming home from the college for a weekend. b) She is going to Wales*.  c) She is visiting Edinbutgh next week. d) He is staying there a piknik tomorrow   Ребята я вас очень сильно прошу! Задание нужно к завтрашнему дню. Прошу всё перепроверить, потому-что с английским мне трудно!!!! ТОЛЬКО ЧТО БЫ БЫЛО ПРАВИЛЬНО! ТАК как баллы которые я вам вручу буду большие, поэтому ваше правильные ответы того стоят!

как по английски будет:                                                      рубашка,футболка,шорты,юбка,платье,брюки,обувь,сапоги,кросовки,кепка,шляпа,пальто,плащь,пиджак,костюм,шарф,свитер,варежки,перчатки,зонт.

I need some copybooks.—————–I buy them? They sell copy books at the Newsagent,s. —————————-? Go along Lake Street. It is on the rignt on the corner of Lake and Green Street. ———————–. 3) My father sold his old car yesterday at the car market. (?)—————————————————— (-)—————————————————– What—————————- Where————————— When—————————–