Составь предложения с вопросами: What? что When? когда Where?где Who? кто Whom? кому Which? который How? как Why? почему

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Составь предложения с вопросами: What? что When? когда Where?где Who? кто Whom? кому Which? который How? как Why? почему

Отвечает Илюха:

1. My friend likes coffe. – What does my friend like?

2. We swam in the river last summer. – When did we swim in the river?

3. Mark will go to the cinema next Sunday. – Where will Mark go next Sunday?

4. I am going to buy a new book. – Who is going to buy a new book?

5. Mary writes letters to her Granny every week. – Whom does Mary write letters every week?

6. He prefers things of green colour. – Which colour does he prefer blue or green?

7. My Mum is fine. – How is your Mum?

8. They were very sad. – Why were they very sad?

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