Перевидите пожалуйста текст заранее спасибо: The Mill-Boy and Painted Shoes In one of the museums of Holland you can see a pair of wooden shoes with funny ducks, chickens and pigs drawn o them. Those shoes helped to discover the great artist Rembrandt. This is the story. One day Rembrandt was not attentive at his lesson. He was discovered drawing chickens, ducks and pigs on his cousin’s wooden shoes. She was delighted with them, but the teacher was very angry with Rembrandt. He sent a note to his uncle about the matter. The next morning the boy hid at the top of the stairs. He was dreaming of the time when he would see the great wide world himself. Suddenly he saw his uncle coming toward their house. When his uncle asked to see Rembrandt’s mother alone, the boy felt that the trouble was coming. He thought, ” I shall be punished for the wooden shoes.” His uncle and his mother went to the mill to see his father. Then his father called him and he had to obey. There stood his uncle with one of shoes in his hand, and all eyes were turned to Rembrandt. To his surprise his mother said in a kind voice, ” Would you really to be a painter? ” Little Rembrandt could not believe his ears and he was very happy. His father said, ” Your teacher thinks that you are a talented boy. He is struck by masterly drawings and he advises us to send you to Leydan to study painting. ” Some years later Rembrandt became a great painter. His name was famous all over the world. He painted wonderful pictures, which can be seen in many art museum of the world.

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Перевидите пожалуйста текст заранее спасибо: The Mill-Boy and Painted Shoes In one of the museums of Holland you can see a pair of wooden shoes with funny ducks, chickens and pigs drawn o them. Those shoes helped to discover the great artist Rembrandt. This is the story. One day Rembrandt was not attentive at his lesson. He was discovered drawing chickens, ducks and pigs on his cousin’s wooden shoes. She was delighted with them, but the teacher was very angry with Rembrandt. He sent a note to his uncle about the matter. The next morning the boy hid at the top of the stairs. He was dreaming of the time when he would see the great wide world himself. Suddenly he saw his uncle coming toward their house. When his uncle asked to see Rembrandt’s mother alone, the boy felt that the trouble was coming. He thought, ” I shall be punished for the wooden shoes.” His uncle and his mother went to the mill to see his father. Then his father called him and he had to obey. There stood his uncle with one of shoes in his hand, and all eyes were turned to Rembrandt. To his surprise his mother said in a kind voice, ” Would you really to be a painter? ” Little Rembrandt could not believe his ears and he was very happy. His father said, ” Your teacher thinks that you are a talented boy. He is struck by masterly drawings and he advises us to send you to Leydan to study painting. ” Some years later Rembrandt became a great painter. His name was famous all over the world. He painted wonderful pictures, which can be seen in many art museum of the world.

Илюха отвечает:

Млиновий Хлопчик і Фарбував Взуття В одному з музеївГолландії, ви можете бачити пару дерев’яного взуття іззабавними качками, курчатами і свинями, відтягнутими oїх. Те взуття допомогло виявити великого художникаРембрандт. Це історія. Один day Рембрандт не бувуважний в його уроці. Він був виявленими курчатами, щотягнуть, качками і свинями на дерев’яному взутті йогокузена. Вона була дуже рада з ними, але учитель бувдуже сердитий з Рембрандтом. Він відправив запис йогодядькові про справу. На ранок хлопчик приховав увершині сходинок. Він уявляв час, коли б він бачив вищийширокий світ безпосередньо. Несподівано він бачивсвого дядька, що приходить у напрямі їх хати. Коли йогодядько попросив побачити матір Рембрандта тільки,хлопчик відчував, що неприємність приходить. Він думав, "я маю бути покараний за дерев’яне взуття". Його дядько ійого мати went до млина бачити його батька. Потім йогобатько назвав його і йому довелося покорятися.

Стояв його дядько з одним зі взуття в його руці, і усі очібули повернені до Рембрандта. До його несподіванкийого мати говорила добрий голос, " Повинен вас дійсно,щоб бути живописцем? " Маленький Рембрандт не змігповірити його вуха і він був дуже щасливий. Його батькосказав, " Ваш учитель думає, що ви - талановитий хлопчик.Його ударяють майстрові малюнки і він радить намвідправити вас Leydan, щоб вивчати живопис. " Деякі рокипізніший Рембрандт став великим живописцем. Його ім’ябуло гучне по всьому світу. Він фарбував дивовижнікартини, які можуть бачитися у багатьох художній музейсвіту.

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